This video will help you get a first glimpse of how to shoot a monocle

A monolens is the simplest and the first lens in the history of photography. This is the very beginning of the lens-construction. A monolens adds various optical defects to the image, such as: distortion, spherical and chromatic abberations, astigmatism. As the industry of the lens-construction was developing, the lens manufacturers aspired to remove or reduce these defects as much as possible. As a result excellent lenses with the lowest possible optical defects were constructed some decades ago.

Still, people were and are interested in the monolens. Why so? We can hardly find today those who like to write with ink and goose pen, but we can easily find those who make pictures with monolens. What is it? A way of self-expression? A desire to make pictures with a unique profoundness and softness? An attempt to touch the history? Perhaps, every one, who has ever made pictures with the monolens, will have their own answer to this question. The majority of those attracted to this lens agree that the monolens gives an opportunity to reproduce the state and mood more clearly and distinctly, and not simply to depict a form.
Portraits made with the monolens are attractive. Distracting details (such as wrinkles, pores, pimples and pigmental spots) disappear in them. At the cost of this, the image and the emotion of the person being photographed is accentuated. Landscape pictures made with the wide-angle monolens are interesting and unusual in their own way. The light in them gains volume, the surrounding air becomes so-to-say touchable and visible.

A lot of photographers, photojournalists including, have been keen on monolens photography in different periods of their creative development. Even if the monolens is found unused as a result (together with the pin-hole, fish-eye and lensbaby), it is always recalled with a smile and cordiality. As for the art photographers, their monolenses are often-used during the whole career.

Monolenses are not manufactured industrially. The manufacture of them is mainly in the field of private masters. That is why the monolens is not so popular as other creative lenses, and not all those who are eager to buy it can do it. Moreover, because of the numerous recipes concerning "how to make a monolens" it is often thought that the monolens can be made quite easily and quickly. But it is far from truth. The manufacture of the real monolens is an interesting, but laborious and slow occupation. That is why one should better not start manufacturing one's own monolens without enough assiduity, free time and wish for pottering about screwdrivers and small screws. It would be much faster and better to buy a monolens from an experienced master. In that case one would get a quality and well-manufactured lens, which would make one glad with excellent pictures for a long time!
